char101 / tabgroupsmenu

tabgroups menu addon for firefox 4
25 stars 9 forks source link

Serious issue, unable to switch tabs. #10

Open Qon opened 13 years ago

Qon commented 13 years ago

After restarting Firefox I couldn't switch tabs any more. Disabling this extension and restarting solved my problems, and I used other methods to make sure it was this extension and not another that was doing it. It could be a conflict though...

The problem only affects the actual page, the FF GUI works as if the tab was switched (text, buttons and everything changes as it normally does when switching tabs) but the page stays. The exception is the addon handling window that I could pull up. Also, after going to the addon manager I could switch to any other tab I wished (once, then I had to visit add-on manager to change tab again)

I read the titles in the "issues" and I don't agree with them, so if you do fix the addon I hope that you only implement their suggestions as options. I'm talking about the way the tab switching button works, I like that it gets a "menu arrow" that pulls up a grouped list of tabs. I have like 50-80 add-ons atm so I haven't included a list of them, I need another addon to write them down :Q but if you need the list to fix it I will give you the list, because I want this addon to work ;) need it :q

char101 commented 13 years ago

This extension does nothing to firefox tabbar or related stuff.

One thing you could try is backup your current profile then install firefox with a fresh profile then install this addon, does it still have the problem?

Qon commented 13 years ago

Well it seems that Tile tabs extension does this now :Q I think its some sort of conflict between these two, the problem didn't surface until I installed this ext and disappeared with it.

char101 commented 13 years ago

What this extension do is only adding a menu on the menubar and to the panorama button, nothing else, so I cannot think how it can affect firefox page display.

Qon commented 13 years ago

Well it seems strange to me too. It is a possibility that your add-on doesn't produce this bug at all, it just randomly appeared after installing it and disappeared when I uninstalled it (sounds like sarcasm but it isn't). Then it would probably be the Tile tabs extension that produces this Sometimes, but not always. Tile tabs ext does affect the page display a lot, that's its purpose... Imma run some cross-checking with your addon and tile tabs.

Qon commented 13 years ago

I checked again, after many restarts I can say that I'm pretty sure that your add-on doesn't have any thing to do with this bug at all. It's all "tile tabs" fault. Sorry for the trouble I've caused you q: I will continue to use your ext, I will hae to make this bug report to that extension instead then :Q I think it (TT ext) was auto updated at the same time that I installed your extension and that's why I thought it was yours. Also the bug doesn't appear every time with TT enabled, so it just randomly disappeared at the same time I removed your extension.... Great extension, GL HF ;Q

char101 commented 13 years ago

So I fired up my testing firefox, installed tabgroups menu and tile tab, open a few tabs, tile on above another, switch tab, all worked fine in my observation.

Qon commented 13 years ago

As I've said (prev post) it's probably not your extension that fails, but if you want to check out further anyway here's the list of my add-ons. Installed "nightly tester" to get the list. Many personas themes there, but they are all (but one) disabled so...

Aaapptabs 1.0 [DISABLED] Abstract Black 1260925626 [DISABLED] Adblock Plus 1.3.8 Add-on Compatibility Reporter 0.8.4 Autohide Tabbar 2.8 AutoPager Barlesque 1.15 [DISABLED] BarTab 2.0 [DISABLED] Bazzacuda Image Saver Plus 0.37 BetterPrivacy 1.51 BioH & Radioactive 1274725449 [DISABLED] British English Dictionary 1.19.1 Carbon Fiber 1 [DISABLED] Cata Death 1288970046 [DISABLED] Colorful Fractal 1298456824 [DISABLED] Colors Line 1260925626 [DISABLED] Containment [DISABLED] Context Menu History 1.0 Cookie Monster 1.0.5 CyberSearch 2.0.5 [DISABLED] Default 4.0.1 [DISABLED] Echofon 2.0.7 Expressive Spring 1268744749 [DISABLED] feedly 5.6 Firesay 1.0.601 [DISABLED] Flashblock [DISABLED] FlashGot Flickr AllSizes, by Dharmafly 2.0.3 fractal elemental 1301939834 Google Image Ripper 1.4.1 Google Update Greasemonkey 0.9.3 Hide Caption Titlebar Plus 2.1.6 HistoryBlock Image Picker 0.9.2 Image Zoom 0.4.6 Java Console 6.0.11 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.13 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.15 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.17 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.19 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.21 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.22 [DISABLED] Java Console 6.0.24 Java Deployment Toolkit Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U24 LastPass 1.72.0 Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.2 Manga ChapterReader 11.137 [DISABLED] Mangafox Chapter Onepage Rev.2 2.6.1 MaxImageSize Menu Editor 1.2.7 Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant 0.0.0 [DISABLED] Microsoft® Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin Modify Headers [DISABLED] MR Tech Toolkit 6.0.4 [DISABLED] Nexus Personal Nightly Tester Tools 3.1.7 NoScript Organize Status Bar 0.6.5 Pando Web Installer QuickTime Plug-in 7.5.5 QuickWiki 1.0.1 Rainbow on black skin [DISABLED] Read It Later 2.1.1 redonblack [DISABLED] Save Images 0.7.0 Save My Tabs 0.53 ScrapBook 1.4.5 ScrollyFox 2.3 Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash Silverlight Plug-In 4.0.60310.0 SkipScreen 0.5.23s Space Wonders V2 1260925626 [DISABLED] Split Pannel 1.00 Stay-Open Menu 1.5.9 Super Tab Mode 1.65 Svensk ordlista 1.44.1 Tab Badge 1.5 Tab Counter 1.8.8 Tab History Menu 2.1.1 [DISABLED] Tab History Redux 2 Tab Kit 0.6 [DISABLED] Tab Scope 1.1.1 TabGroups Menu TabRenamizer 0.9.7 Text to Link [DISABLED] The Cavern Links Checker [DISABLED] Tile Tabs 4.9 [DISABLED] turquoise butterflies 1268077809 [DISABLED] Ubuntu planet 1288579088 [DISABLED] Userscripts Updater Rank by Popularity 0.3 VLC Multimedia Plug-in Winamp Application Detector Windows Genuine Advantage Windows Presentation Foundation 3.5.30729.1 WOT 20110323 xkcd Fan (+keyboard shortcuts) 0.1.6 YouTube to MP3 1.0.7

char101 commented 13 years ago

Sorry, didn't see your last post when posting my test result :D