char101 / tabgroupsmenu

tabgroups menu addon for firefox 4
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Incompatible with Pale Moon #39

Closed jrfnl closed 10 years ago

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

Although Pale Moon (a FF derivative) by default doesn't have tab groups, it does allow you to add those back with the Tab groups extension.

Unfortunately the Tab Groups Menu extension does not work with that combination.

char101 commented 10 years ago

The simpler solution would be to use regular firefox, since I currently have no plan to update this addon.

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

@char101 Thanks for your reply. I actually use both (and Safari, IE, Opera). FF for my main session (with ridiculous amount of tabgroups - I love this plugin!!!!), Pale moon for some project related stuff.

I understand that supporting yet another browser does not have priority, but as the code base is FF24, I was surprised it didn't work.

char101 commented 10 years ago

I tried using palemoon with the addon, and it works. Probably you just need to remove and install the addon again, so that it's run after the panorama addon.

2014-07-02 13_11_18-add-ons manager - pale moon

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

OMG! I'd actually made sure to install the TabGroup plugin before TGM for that some reason, but somehow it must not have caught on. Disabled, restarted and enabled now and it's working!

Excellent! Happy camper here.