As a VB developer, I need to use VB version of developer tools.
If you are unfamiliar with the syntax of VB, I'll implement this feature by myself and create a pull request.
Font: Segoe MDL2 Assets
Character: U+E001
VB code
Font icon
New FontIcon With { .FontFamily = New FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets"), .Glyph = ChrW(&HE001) }
Path icon
New PathIcon With { .Data = XamlBindingHelper.ConvertValue(GetType(Geometry), "F1 M 17.939453 5.439453 L 7.5 15.888672 L 2.060547 10.439453 L 2.939453 9.560547 L 7.5 14.111328 L 17.060547 4.560547 Z "), .HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, .VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center }
As a VB developer, I need to use VB version of developer tools.
If you are unfamiliar with the syntax of VB, I'll implement this feature by myself and create a pull request.
Font: Segoe MDL2 Assets Character: U+E001
VB code
Font icon
Path icon