charankumarpalla / laughing-buddha

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🔰[Story]List of Projects - TODO #68

Open charankumarpalla opened 4 years ago

charankumarpalla commented 4 years ago

All the Ideas Listed Here

charankumarpalla commented 4 years ago

Implementation flow charts/diagrams

charankumarpalla commented 1 year ago

Bonus: JavaScript Beginner Project Ideas

  1. Database App with JavaScript Task: Create a simple app that uses the IndexedDB of modern browsers for storing data.
  2. JSON to CSV Converter with JavaScript Task: Build a simple app where users can either paste a JSON string or upload a JSON file. The app should convert the input into CSV and display it to the user.
  3. Countdown Timer with JavaScript Task: Build a simple feature where users can enter a number of seconds and the feature starts a countdown.
  4. Quiz App with JavaScript Task: Build a simple quiz app where users can checkboxes for the right solutions.
  5. Stopwatch App with JavaScript Task: Build a simple stopwatch feature where users can start and stop a timer.
  6. Notes App with JavaScript Task: Create an app where users can take and manage notes.
  7. Dollars to Cents Converter with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to enter a number of dollars and the app presents them with the value in cents.
  8. Pomodoro Clock with JavaScript Task: Build an app where users can create work timers (25min), break timers (5min), and features to start/stop/reset these timers.
  9. Recipe App with JavaScript Task: Create an app where users can find recipes for different categories. Bonus: Integrate a recipe API.
  10. Lorem Ipsum Generator with JavaScript Task: Create an app or component that generates Lorem Ipsum text according to the length the user wants.

Bonus: JavaScript Intermediate Project Ideas

  1. Currency Converter with JavaScript Task: Build an app to convert one currency into another.
  2. Drawing App with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to draw simple forms and paintings in their browser window.
  3. Emoji App with JavaScript Task: Build an app where users can search for emojis and copy them into the clipboard.
  4. Meme Generator with JavaScript Task: Build an app where users can upload images, add text to them, and save & download them.
  5. Password Generator with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to create random passwords with different rule sets like length, difficulty, characters, etc.
  6. Image Scanner with JavaScript Task: Build an app that reads and visualizes metadata of uploaded images.
  7. To-Do App with JavaScript Task: Create an app for managing to-dos.
  8. Voting App with JavaScript Task: Create an app where users can create polls for others to vote on.
  9. Flashcards App with JavaScript Task: Build an app where users can create flashcards for others to learn new things.
  10. Book Finder App with JavaScript Task: Create an app where users can search for books with different criteria like the author, year, content, recommendations, etc. Bonus: Integrate a books API.

Bonus: JavaScript Advanced Project Ideas

  1. Movie App with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to browse movies, see ratings, find actors, get recommendations. Bonus: Integrate a movie API.
  2. Survey App with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to create surveys for others that can then take them.
  3. Chat App with JavaScript Task: User should be able to chat with each other in real-time.
  4. Instagram Clone with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to experience similar features that Instagram has. For example Image upload, tagging, likes, etc.
  5. Twitter Clone with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to experience similar features that Twitter has. For example Image upload, tagging, likes, etc.
  6. Pinterest Clone with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to experience similar features that Pinterest has. For example Image upload, collections, likes, etc.
  7. Stock-Trading App with JavaScript Task: Users should be able to watch charts and buy stocks (can be simulated of course). Bonus: Integrate a stock API.
  8. Analytics App with JavaScript Task: Create an app to track user behavior on a website, such as visits, bounce rate, etc.
  9. Video App with JavaScript Task: Create an app where users can upload and watch videos.
  10. File Sharing App with JavaScript Task: The user should be able to upload files with or without registration.