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S-1 B-1 vehicle and speed detection using opencv and python #422

Open Rishithabattu11 opened 4 weeks ago

Rishithabattu11 commented 4 weeks ago

Below is the issue we are facing with our project..


Screenshot 2024-06-20 224423

attempts to resolve

we tried to resolve it with the help of a Youtube video ,followed the exact steps shown in the video!! video link :

-->installed CMake globally from and ensured to add it to system path, which showed the correct version with cmake --version -->attempted to install CMake within virtual environment using pip install cmake, and then it got installed --> dlib requires a c++ compiler and so we installed "Build Tools for Visual Studio" and ensured to select "Desktop development with C++" workload.

Now through command prompt after my virtual environment is activated ,tried to to install dlib ,but it repeatedly showed the above error .

github repo which we reffered:

charann29 commented 4 weeks ago

let's chat for sometime here :

Rishithabattu11 commented 4 weeks ago

should i join right now ?

charann29 commented 4 weeks ago

Verify CMake Installation Ensure CMake is correctly installed and accessible in both the global and virtual environment.

Open a command prompt and check the CMake version:

cmake --version

If it's not recognized, make sure the path to CMake is added to your system's PATH variable.

Install Visual Studio Build Tools Ensure you have installed the "Desktop development with C++" workload. Verify this by running the Visual Studio Installer and checking that the "Desktop development with C++" workload is installed. Install dlib Activate your virtual environment. Ensure pip and setuptools are up to date:

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools Attempt to install dlib using pip:

pip install dlib

If Errors Persist: Use a Precompiled Binary Find the precompiled wheel file for dlib corresponding to your Python version and operating system from this unofficial repository.

Download the .whl file to your computer. Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the wheel file and install it using pip:

**pip install dlib-<version>.whl**

Check for Errors in Build Tools Sometimes, the issue can be related to the environment variables set for the compiler. Make sure MSBuild is in your system PATH. You can check this by running:

where msbuild Additional Dependencies Ensure you have the latest version of cmake and other dependencies like boost if required.

If you provide the specific error message you receive while attempting to install dlib, I can offer more targeted advice.

charann29 commented 4 weeks ago

should i join right now ?

yes, if possible..

Rishithabattu11 commented 4 weeks ago

yeah done !

charann29 commented 4 weeks ago

Try with this one last method

pip install ------ ( one of the wheel names for the current python version )

You can use last line in this website.

Video Reference if you guys need :