chargebee / chargebee-php

PHP library for the Chargebee API.
MIT License
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JSON payload issue #44

Closed niolap closed 2 years ago

niolap commented 2 years ago

Hi there :)

I would like to send a payload as JSON to Chargebee API but it only works in URL encoded format, not in JSON format. I need to send JSON from the requests Python package without the Chargebee wrapper. Any idea?

As URL encoded: does work

$ curl  https://*********** \
>      -u **************************************:\
>      -d customer_id="cbdemo_douglas" \
>      -d card[number]="378282246310005" \
>      -d card[cvv]="100" \
>      -d card[expiry_year]=2022 \
>      -d card[expiry_month]=12
    "payment_source": {
        "id": "pm_BTcLSfTGD1TtShje",
        "updated_at": 1662057402,
        "resource_version": 1662057402861,

As JSON: does not work

$ curl https://*********** \
>      -u **************************************:\
>      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
>      -H 'accept: application/json' \
>      -d '{
>       "customer_id":"cbdemo_douglas",
>       "card":{
>         "number":"378282246310005",
>         "cvv":"100",
>         "expiry_year":"2022",
>         "expiry_month":"12"
>       }
>     }'
{"message":"customer_id : cannot be blank","type":"invalid_request","api_error_code":"invalid_request","param":"customer_id","error_code":"param_required","error_msg":"cannot be blank","error_param":"customer_id","http_status_code":400}
niolap commented 2 years ago

re-opened in the correct repo