chargify / chargify_api_ares

A Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResource
MIT License
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Unable to create subscription (using JSON format) #147

Closed tomsabin closed 2 years ago

tomsabin commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm struggling to create subscriptions after following the examples.

We have a product with the handle: go-monthly-100kwh but when creating a new subscription (and customer) with the following

  product_handle: "go-monthly-100kwh",
  customer_attributes: {
    first_name: "Tom",
    last_name: "Sabin",
    email: ""
  credit_card_attributes: {
    full_number: "4242424242424242",
    expiration_month: "1",
    expiration_year: "2026",
    cvv: "101"

I receive the following response:

DEPRECATION WARNING: Returning errors as an array of strings is deprecated. (called from __pry__ at (pry):113)
=> #<Chargify::Subscription:0x007fa15e3268e0
     @attributes={"first_name"=>"Tom", "last_name"=>"Sabin", "email"=>""},
     @attributes={"full_number"=>"4242424242424242", "expiration_month"=>"1", "expiration_year"=>"2026", "cvv"=>"101"},
   @base=#<Chargify::Subscription:0x007fa15e3268e0 ...>,
      ["Product must be specified and be a valid product provided by the seller.",
       "A Customer must be specified for the subscription to be valid."]}>,
 @remote_errors=#<ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid: Failed.  Response code = 422.  Response message = Unprocessable Entity.>,

I'm struggling to get this working via both the API using a rest client and this ruby gem. However, creating the subscription manually on the GUI is successful. Any help would be appreciated, I fear that it may be something very simple that I am overlooking.


tomsabin commented 7 years ago

Turns out changing the format from :json to :xml solves this.

robg commented 6 years ago

In case anyone else runs into this, instead of switching to xml format, you can instead add:

Chargify::Base.include_root_in_json = true

to an initializer or similar.