charinev / opnc

CharIN Open Plug&Charge Protocol (OPNC)
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Addition of CorrelationId and RequestId headers on all req/res #38

Open guillaumeFRANCOIS opened 1 year ago

guillaumeFRANCOIS commented 1 year ago

These two headers, present in all requests and responses, make it possible to track all requests/responses and workflows for both the api consumer and the service provider. This is very useful for monitoring and debugging.

steffenrhinow commented 1 year ago

This is again on the question - what is the real benefit in adding these optional headers. We have in the designed API and Processes the ProviderID of the MO or the WMI from the OEM or the OperatorID of the CPO. This is already attached to the access system. why adding redundant informations.

MKeCharIN commented 1 year ago

General Change with potential, but not yet to be implemented. If real use-case is shown and all potential negative implications are analyzed, this can be discussed in a following version.

-> For next release to be discussed again!