chariotsolutions / phonegap-nfc

PhoneGap NFC Plugin
MIT License
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Cant get the NFC plugin to work on Android and Windows Phone #190

Closed cmeegamarachchi closed 8 years ago

cmeegamarachchi commented 9 years ago

I am trying to get build a test cordova application to read and write NFC tags targeting windows phones and android phone. When the test application is deployed to devices, on android I get an error message telling “Class Not found” while trying to register the listener. On windows phone I get nothing.

Following are the steps I used to create the application using the cordova CLI

Created a cordova application

Added platforms

Added the plugin (

Added the following code replacing deviceready in index.js file

try {
    // Read NDEF formatted NFC Tags
        function (nfcEvent) {
            var tag = nfcEvent.tag,
                ndefMessage = tag.ndefMessage;

            // dump the raw json of the message
            // note: real code will need to decode
            // the payload from each record

            // assuming the first record in the message has 
            // a payload that can be converted to a string.
        function () { // success callback
            alert("Waiting for NDEF tag");
        function (error) { // error callback
            alert("Error adding NDEF listener " + JSON.stringify(error));
} catch (ex) {



Compressed the project folder and uploaded it to phone-gap-build.

Got the project build and deployed to android and windows 8.1 phones (nfc was enabled on both devices). Phone-gap build has used PhoneGap 3.7.0 to build the application

When I tried to execute the app, while trying to register the listener, Android complained ‘Class not found’. Windows phone did not throw any errors (at least nothing I could see), but was not recognizing any of the NFC cards presented to it. Under \nfcReaderB\platforms\android\src\com\chariotsolutions\nfc\plugin, I can see the required java source files for android platform

NFC functions on the phones are working fine

The code is available at

And help on resolving this is much appreciated

don commented 9 years ago

Class not found usually means that PhoneGap can't find the plugin.

I cloned your project and it ran on android with Cordova 5.0, so I'm thinking this is PhoneGap build problem. Or perhaps, just a version problem?

$ git clone
$ cd nfc
$ cordova run android --device

I'll see if I can get it to work with PhoneGap later

cmeegamarachchi commented 9 years ago

Many thanks for the quick feedback Don.

Please do let me know if you could get it to run with phone-gap


don commented 8 years ago

Your repo works with PhoneGap 5.3.1 on Android when building locally.

I'm guessing this is a PhoneGap Build problem. See if you can install the plugin from NPM by editing config.xml

don commented 8 years ago

@cmeegamarachchi To get your repository to work with phonegap build, I added the gap namespace and the phonegap-nfc plugin to config.xml.

<gap:plugin name="phonegap-nfc" source="npm" />

See the fork of your project for more info See