chariotsolutions / phonegap-nfc

PhoneGap NFC Plugin
MIT License
706 stars 556 forks source link

Add WKWebView compatibility #288

Closed andreamaioli closed 6 years ago

gregavola commented 6 years ago

@don Can this be merged in? We'd like it for WKWebView support.

rubenstolk commented 6 years ago

Please merge!

isamu-tanaka commented 6 years ago

Please merge!! A runtime error on iOS11 always occurs.

bucklander commented 6 years ago

@andreamaioli thank you for this! @don This would be VERY helpful for my project as well. Could you please review and merge? 🙏

jamesanglin commented 6 years ago

@andreamaioli thanks for this! I would love to get this merged as well.

jamesanglin commented 6 years ago

@don , thanks for getting this merged in! Ionic wraps this plugin and others, but its still pointing to the 0.7.1 version. Something to do with the "npm link". Do you know how to get this updated to point to 0.7.2? Does that have to be done on this repo our theirs? Also see

don commented 6 years ago

I think this might be a npm problem. 0.7.2 is in the repo, but the web still says 0.7.1 npm support suggested I push a new version.

don commented 6 years ago

I pushed 0.7.3 but I'm still seeing old info on the npm website. I've reopened my ticket with npm support. I'm not sure how Ionic picks the correct version.

Can you manually update the plugin in your project?

cordova plugin rm phonegap-nfc 
cordova plugin add phonegap-nfc@0.7.2
jamesanglin commented 6 years ago

@don , Thank you so much for your help. I tried updating the plugin that way to no avail. I assume you already took these steps to publish the latest version to the npm registry? (How to Update a Package section)

If so, I read that the npmjs registry doesn't always update immediately.

don commented 6 years ago

@jamesanglin it turns out I was publishing to a private repo. It's fixed and code is pushed to now.

jamesanglin commented 6 years ago

@don , awesome, thank you so much!