chariotsolutions / phonegap-nfc

PhoneGap NFC Plugin
MIT License
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Is it possible make this work to read EMV cards? using this library devnied/EMV-NFC-Paycard-Enrollment #318

Closed itsvicsoto closed 6 years ago

itsvicsoto commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, I am trying this api to read nfc and I did get some tags but I'm not sure if I can use those tags to use it on this library devnied/EMV-NFC-Paycard-Enrollment.

My current solution is below (which im trying to change)

Created a cordova plugin and start an activity to read nfc but I really want to avoid it since if i could use this nfc reader natively it will be more responsive/better than creating an activity which is problematic since im using a webview and don't really want to manage activities. It would be better if I integrate the library using the native ionic NFC api.

don commented 6 years ago

Right now this plugin only handles NDEF messages. You could look at for doing host card emulation. If you have a Java library that does payment processing, the best solution is to create new plugin that wraps your library.

don commented 6 years ago

@itsvicsoto checkout the new nfc.transceive() function. If you have the APDU commands from your library you can now use this plugin.

mohammedgaus commented 4 years ago

@don Can you please help me in this I want to implement payment option using nfc in my cordova application(need steps) Also I need help for virtual testing this while development

MooseTheCoder commented 3 years ago

@mohammedgaus I've just spent the last 10~ hours reading up on the EMV spec, it is possible to read card numbers and expiry info using this lib if you have the correct APDU commands.

I have not found an easy way to emulate an EMV card in a sandbox environment, so I've just been making builds and using my phone.

Start with this.

const GET_PSE = '00 A4 04 00 0e 32 50 41 59 2e 53 59 53 2e 44 44 46 30 31 00';

To get the PSE, this will contain the AID.

Work though this then use 00 A4 04 00 with the AID you got to select the Application.

(I skipped the GPO step, but apparently you should put it in here).

Use this command 00 B2 01 14 00 to read the record. The card number is stored on tag 5a.

This is a useful resource :

I hope this helps get you moving in the right direction!