chariotsolutions / phonegap-nfc

PhoneGap NFC Plugin
MIT License
706 stars 556 forks source link

ionic 3 + phonegap-nfc 1.0.3 + ios 11.4 can not work #333

Closed csky89 closed 5 years ago

csky89 commented 5 years ago

android is very good, but ios 11.4 is not work, is there any demo used ionic 3?

csky89 commented 5 years ago

My colleague took a long time to finally discover the cause of the problem.

Now ionic-native(version 4.9.2) still does not support the nfc function of ios. You can not add "import ionic-native/nfc", only need add plugin phonegap-nfc.

Below is the code

  1. in config.xml 1531894623 1

  2. _20180718140958 _20180718141010

acilryandi commented 5 years ago

what about the function of tag tech? ionic-native/nfc still not support for few function like connect, close, transceive