charkour / zundo

🍜 undo/redo middleware for zustand. <700 bytes
MIT License
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Zundo clear is not working #160

Closed tmanager2025 closed 7 months ago

tmanager2025 commented 7 months ago

the clear function is not working. Sandbox:


import { temporal, TemporalState } from "zundo";
import { create, useStore } from "zustand";
import "./styles.css";

interface MyState {
  bears: number;
  increment: () => void;
  decrement: () => void;

const useMyStore = create(
  temporal<MyState>((set) => ({
    bears: {},
    increment: () => set((state) => ({ bears: { a: Math.random() } })),
    decrement: () =>
      set((state) => ({
        bears: { a: Math.random(), def: { r: Math.random() } },

const App = () => {
  const store = useMyStore();
  const { bears, increment, decrement } = store;
  const { undo, redo, futureStates, pastStates, clear } =

  // const { undo, redo, futureStates, pastStates } = useMyStore.temporal.getState();

  return (
        {" "}
        <span role="img" aria-label="bear">
        </span>{" "}
        <span role="img" aria-label="recycle">
        </span>{" "}
      past states: {JSON.stringify(pastStates)}
      <br />
      future states: {JSON.stringify(futureStates)}
      <br />
      current state: {JSON.stringify(store)}
      <br />
      <br />
      bears: {JSON.stringify(bears)}
      <br />
      <button onClick={increment}>increment</button>
      <button onClick={decrement}>decrement</button>
      <br />
      <button onClick={() => undo()}>undo</button>
      <button onClick={() => redo()}>redo</button>
      <button onClick={() => clear()}>clear</button>

export default App;
charkour commented 7 months ago

HI @tmanager2025,

Sorry for the confusion! You'll need to use the useStore from zustand to make the temporal selector reactive. Maybe I can update the docs to avoid confusion.

Add this to your <App /> function:

const { undo, redo, futureStates, pastStates, clear } = useStore(

Here's a sandbox:

tmanager2025 commented 7 months ago

Sorry can't open the sandbox. Giving below message.

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tmanager2025 commented 7 months ago

Ok I am able to work. Thank you so much 😊

For anyone looking below is updated sandbox.