charlescng / docker-containers

Docker containers and unRAID docker templates
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ln: failed to create symbolic link '/opt/observium/config.php': File exists #24

Open bcookatpcsd opened 2 years ago

bcookatpcsd commented 2 years ago

Hello sir,

Trying to get started.. but I don't think I have enough legs underneath me yet..

*** Running /etc/my_init.d/
Using existing PHP database config file.
Dec  8 20:09:58 db3406aabc73 syslog-ng[12]: Child program exited, restarting; cmdline='/opt/observium/syslog.php', status='0'
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 1 at Wed Dec  8 20:10:00 2021
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
job 2 at Wed Dec  8 20:10:00 2021
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/opt/observium/config.php': File exists
Dec  8 20:09:58 db3406aabc73 syslog-ng[12]: Child program exited, restarting; cmdline='/opt/observium/syslog.php', status='0'
Dec  8 20:09:58 db3406aabc73 syslog-ng[12]: Child program exited, restarting; cmdline='/opt/observium/syslog.php', status='0'

This is how I started..

docker run -d --name observium -v /home/docker/observium/config:/config -v /home/docker/observium/logs:/opt/observium/logs -v /home/docker/observium/rrd:/opt/observium/rrd -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 8668:8668 uberchuckie/observium 

Open to any suggestions

Server Version: 20.10.11, fedora 35, xanmod-tt kernel

starting the image I can get into the container, but I need to comment out the syslog entry in config.php then it all starts..

setting it to zero didn't change anything..

// End config.php // $config['enable_syslog'] = 0;

But then it looks like it's listening anyway..

root@fedora-d51108 ~# docker ps -a 
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                PORTS                                                                                                      NAMES
db3406aabc73   uberchuckie/observium      "/sbin/my_init"          11 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes          514/udp,>8668/tcp, :::8668->8668/tcp                                                         observium

Thanks in advance..

charlescng commented 2 years ago

Are you sure the container is not running?

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/opt/observium/config.php': File exists

This doesn't seem to cause any issues

Dec 8 20:09:58 db3406aabc73 syslog-ng[12]: Child program exited, restarting; cmdline='/opt/observium/syslog.php', status='0'

This is from a race condition between observium and syslog-ng. Once observium starts, it child process will work correctly.