charlescng / docker-containers

Docker containers and unRAID docker templates
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SMTP support in Observium #36

Open mr-flibble opened 9 months ago

mr-flibble commented 9 months ago

Hello, is possible to somehow use email notification in Observium container? I'm getting /usr/sbin/sendmail: not found when trying test_alert.hhp


charlescng commented 9 months ago

Setting up sendmail is not the hard part. You'll need to change the configuration for the SMTP MTA to connect to.

Do you have a plan on how to do that? Can you create a Pull Request for the change to include sendmail?

mr-flibble commented 9 months ago

Sorry, I don't have plan :/

As an inspiration : This very old observium docker ( ) is using some king od SMTP container. Also librenms us using msmtpd in docker for SMTP. Sadly I don't know how to set it up.

My temporary workaround is use webhooks and transport them to emails.