charlesfrye / AppliedStatisticsForNeuroscience

Materials for UC Berkeley Neuroscience 299
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Lab 08 Issues #14

Closed charlesfrye closed 6 years ago

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

Too long! Less coding next time.

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~"add the mean and multiply by the standard deviation" is wrong order of operations in description of how to generate noisy data~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~Does .from_dict appear earlier?~

~Folks had trouble with the section where they needed to make a pandas dictionary. This should be more clear.~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~formula is wrong for correlation!~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~inputRange for visualization of CDF as function of sample size should be -5,5, not 0,5~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~07b is missing the header image~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

make sure to include a plt.figure in each cell where you're making a plot.


make sure to include a plt.figure() in each cell where you're making a plot.

E 10/11/2017: Done

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

In the section where randint is explained, students aren't actually asked to do anything.

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~Students should be directed to use no more than 30 samples when making their own plot of the CDF , so they can more clearly see the connection to the rugplot.~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

Clarify the meaning of "average" for "average CDF" by comparing it to calculating the average of numbers.

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

For resampling: jump from random.choice to random.randint is confusing. Though it's less efficient, random.randint works for both and so should be used for both.

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~Show an example of using plt.figure() so that folks know what to do.~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~Alternatively to having students plot the eCDF themselves, could introduce plt.step~

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

~Remove challenge problem with lambda? No one appears to have attempted it.~

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

These labs had too much material and were too challenging. They also need to be restructured in light of the inclusion of weekly tutorials. The following changes should fix.

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago
