charlesfrye / AppliedStatisticsForNeuroscience

Materials for UC Berkeley Neuroscience 299
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Collect Intro to Python materials. #2

Closed charlesfrye closed 7 years ago

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

Need material to cover relevant parts of core Python, numpy, and matplotlib pandas, and seaborn.

e: focus has changed to seaborn and pandas, rather than numpy and matplotlib

charlesfrye commented 7 years ago

For core Python, we'll be linking to Learn Python at Codecademy.

For pandas, we'll be linking to Brandon Rhodes' tutorial.

For seaborn, I wrote my own tutorial, but also linked to the official online tutorial.

choldgraf commented 7 years ago

FWIW, I think you should still include links to good numpy and matplotlib material. Otherwise if something doesn't work in pandas / seaborn, they'll immediately be at a loss for what to do. That said, they can probably figure that stuff out just from the examples / tutorials in matplotlib and scikit-learn