charlesfrye / AppliedStatisticsForNeuroscience

Materials for UC Berkeley Neuroscience 299
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Need to add nb_conda_kernels #52

Closed charlesfrye closed 6 years ago

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

Used to be included in conda by default, but now it's not. Could either have it installed in root (extra step in install) or add it as a dependency (might be confusing if folks try to use jupyter notebooks from their home environment later)

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

Looks like adding this also added and activated a bunch of conda packages, e.g. nbpresent, that I don't want active. SMH.

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

The following two lines disable nbpresent.

jupyter-nbextension disable nbpresent --py --sys-prefix
jupyter-serverextension disable nbpresent --py --sys-prefix
charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

This package is causing some serious weirdness in a tensorflow environment I'm using for a separate project. This is the kind of thing that makes me wary of Anaconda. They also released a broken version right before the course began last year that screwed up all of the Windows installations.

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

Need to consider how all of this interacts with Binder.

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago

alt: python -m ipykernel install --user --name neur299 --display-name "neur299"

charlesfrye commented 6 years ago
