I've done some training with SUNRGB and now I'm trying to apply the raw data from the camera as test data. I want to convert the raw data to the data format of SUNRGBD dataset.
There is one thing I don't understand. About the coordinate system defined in the SUNRGBD_Calibration class in sunrgbd_data/utils.py.
I can't understand what the coordinate axis of the depth coordinate is. I would like to know the difference between the coordinate axes of the depth coordinate and the camera coordinate.
thank you.
I've done some training with SUNRGB and now I'm trying to apply the raw data from the camera as test data. I want to convert the raw data to the data format of SUNRGBD dataset. There is one thing I don't understand. About the coordinate system defined in the SUNRGBD_Calibration class in sunrgbd_data/utils.py. I can't understand what the coordinate axis of the depth coordinate is. I would like to know the difference between the coordinate axes of the depth coordinate and the camera coordinate. thank you.