charlesq34 / pointnet2

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How to change location tensorflow path #129

Open ccu1tn opened 5 years ago

ccu1tn commented 5 years ago

Dear everyone

I am trying to compile this code (in this link by mbed. with comman line mbed compile -m NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472 -t GCC_ARM. But it appears some errors like this nn I search in the google many people said that need to change the location tensorflow path in /.bashrc file is add this line nn1 I was add it in that file but when I check again the location path is not changing. This is my pip show tensorflow (in the location path not change) nn2

Please someone gives me how to change it or any idea many thank

qcev123gm commented 5 years ago

You error says there is no file called "op.h" under "tensorflow/core/framework/" directory. Check your folder, if there is nothing, you may check where it comes from. (maybe your repo page?) I just installed the tensorflow-gpu version two days ago, there is no such a file in my folder anyway.