charlesw / tesseract-ocr-dotnet

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Parsing results #10

Open jmhancock opened 11 years ago

jmhancock commented 11 years ago

Hi Charles,

I am using your wrapper in a C# class so I hope that you will forgive me for my seeming ignorance. Using your application I am getting OCR results, but I cannot figure out how to get the meta data such as words, zones, characters, confidences, etc. Can you give me a small shove in the right direction?

Many thanks.


charlesw commented 11 years ago

Hi John, Sorry I can't remember of the top of my head. Try checking out the sample program in the repository I think it does get some metadata such as zones etc which should at least point you in the right direction. I'm not sure about the confidences as I've never used them maybe check with tesseractocrdotnet team on google code as they're the ones that originally wrote this dot net port.

Regards, Charles