charlie-sans / CodeRunner-projects

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PMSSystem implementation for CodeRunner #5

Open charlie-sans opened 3 weeks ago

charlie-sans commented 3 weeks ago

Writing a PMS/project management System for CodeRunner which relies on #3 Before the infomation can be sent.

the PMS or Project management system is a json file that gets sent from the client to the server with the clients active settings and files that is being worked on.

inside the json is a array/object list containing the file name, extention and contents as part of the whole json file.

#             "File_Name": "main.cpp",
#             "File_Extention": ".cpp"
#             "File_Contents": "#include <iostream>\n\nint main() {\n    std::cout << \"Hello, World!\";\n    return 0;\n}" 
#         },
#         {
#             "File_Name": "test.pms",
#             "File_Extention": ".pms"
#             "File_Contents": "This is a test file for the CodeRunner PMS System."
#         }
#     ],

the server then reads this infomation, parses the contents then for loops over each file to create, write the contents and add whatever infomation it needs to the files on runtime.

currently only basic parsing of the format is available which you can find out at issue #4

unfortunatly this issue is blocked by the issue #3 dynamic generation of websockets.

hopefully this can be worked on after #3 is finished.