charliekassel / vuejs-datepicker

A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations
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"typeable" ignores "format" #583

Open c7pt7in opened 6 years ago

c7pt7in commented 6 years ago

"typeable" ignores "format" attribute and only works if I type date in format "MM.dd.yyyy"

Component use:

<datepicker v-model="date" :format="'dd.MM.yyyy'" :typeable="true"></datepicker>

1.5.1 and 1.5.2

renatoosaka commented 5 years ago

Same here

charliekassel commented 5 years ago

This is as designed. If a user types something then it is left as is, as long as it parses to a Date object. It doesn't really matter what is displayed in the input as the value will be the same - i.e. the Date object.

tehnolog commented 5 years ago

This is wrong. If user type date in 'dd.MM.yyyy', 'MM.dd.yyyy', 'yyyy.MM.dd' etc, Date object should be different. So It's impossible to type date in non-standard format. Also values such as '25.05.1990' are clearing on blur.

kennardconsulting commented 5 years ago


My users need to be able to type in 1/6/1980 to mean 1st June 1980. But the pop-up locks to 6th Jan 1980.

barbosaalr commented 5 years ago

Hello all, I just created pullRequest 633 to handle non-standard formats! Waiting to see if @charliekassel will accept it!

ricardoinaciojunior commented 5 years ago

The problem still persists on 02-01-2018

triosw commented 5 years ago

Problem still persists. @charliekassel, if you cannot parse the date from format, can you please provide a prop for passing a parsing function? e.g. props:{ ... dateStrParser: Function, ... } and if (this.dateStrParser){ this.currentDate = this.dateStrParser(inputStrVal, this.format); } (or take the current parsing function as default value for the prop).

If not possible: @charliekassel can you ar least emit 'blur' event when the input loses focus, so we can catch it and apply our custom parsing function on the value of the input field?

(obviously prev tips were only my 2cents...)

rpounder commented 5 years ago

@charliekassel if it's by design, then it is bad design. Strictly from a UI perspective, if a user sees a date in a format, they won't try and type it a different way than what is displayed in most cases.

atrujillofalcon commented 5 years ago

No solution yet :(

harlekoy commented 5 years ago

Good news i created a fixed on this issue 😄

Format: dd MMM yyyy


Format: dd/MM/yyyy


renielsalvador commented 4 years ago

I am having problems with this too. Seems like the parsing mechanism that happens inside the components doesnt consider the format you provide. I.E if you set the format as dd-MM-yyyy and selects day 13+, it will return an invalid date and clears the calendar.


MatheusMuriel commented 4 years ago

I am having problems with this too. Seems like the parsing mechanism that happens inside the components doesnt consider the format you provide. I.E if you set the format as dd-MM-yyyy and selects day 13+, it will return an invalid date and clears the calendar.


I have this problem too I think it's because the component switch days and months (so it goes up to 12)

ConorSheehan1 commented 4 years ago

pr would solve this! It delegates the parsing of dates, so you can pass a parser function, the same way you can pass a formatter function

arthurbarbero commented 4 years ago

The #653 does not solve this, this bug is not a formating problem, the typeable directive doesn't take the language directive nor the formating directive, it just keep accepting only the mm/dd/yyy format and conflict with all the component, Shame on you datepicker...

ConorSheehan1 commented 4 years ago

@arthurbarbero You're right, the issue isn't about formatting, it's about parsing. Specifically this line See for reasons on why ambiguous dates such as 01/02/2020 are interpreted as mm/dd/yyyy. e.g.

new Date('10 06 2014'); will be treated as a local date of 6 October, 2014 and not 10 June, 2014.

653 solves this parsing issue by providing a parse prop, which accepts a callback function, allowing you to parse user input any way you want! e.g. moment(userInput, 'DD/MM/YYYY')

I forked the datepicker, merged #653, ran the build script and committed the dist dir so I could npm install it directly from git, added a parse callback in my app, and voila. Working datepicker with typeable dd/mm/yyyy format.

dd/mm/yyyy working

arthurbarbero commented 4 years ago

The pr #653 will only solve the problem when it merge to the master, until then, Shame on you Vuejs-Datepicker.

ConorSheehan1 commented 4 years ago

@arthurbarbero I don't think shame-driven development works. If you want #653 merged, you should upvote it.

Also you could change your downvote on my comment stating that #653 could solve this issue, now that I've also explained to you exactly how it could solve this issue. Screenshot_20200104-115959__01

i-am-nikola commented 4 years ago

Has this bug been fixed yet? This not true for me! I type in 1/6/2020 to mean 1st June 2020. But the pop-up locks to 6th Jan 2020.

9xcoder commented 3 years ago

still error with format "dd/MM/yyyy" :(

sarunmrzn commented 3 years ago

How is this still not fixed

jotapixma commented 2 years ago

2021 and still the fix date format, sad.

atrujillofalcon commented 2 years ago

2021 and still the fix date format, sad.

No other solution that migrate to other datepicker. is good option.

zawyehtutko commented 2 years ago

2022 End of May, still not fixed yet.

zawyehtutko commented 2 years ago

problem is after i add props: typeable = "true", UI shows right, shown value and display format is right but after click to somewhere, it disappear.

snakemastr commented 10 months ago

2023 end of october, still not fixed. Wasted hours implementing and styling only to find out a key feature makes this plugin unusable for me.