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:fire: Python client for tinder api
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Q: Current Location Coordinates? #65

Open SHABINTHEGREAT opened 8 years ago

SHABINTHEGREAT commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to obtain the current location coordinates of Self? Something like: session.location —> (LAT, LON)

And any idea as to whether Tinder uses Vincenty Distance or Great-Circle Distance?

SirWhiteHat commented 8 years ago

I'd be very interested to know what distance scheme is used. I'd imagine it's Haversine distance, since it's easiest and accurate enough for these short distances.

I'm seeing a very strange behaviour where the distance does not increase linearly (albeit with rounding), but will be flip-flop between taking a long time to increase, and less time than expected. E.g., to get 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m distance reported, I'd have to be 0.5m, 2m, 2.5m, 4m away (always the same pattern). Different values but you get the idea.

I get the current coordinates from session.profile._data['pos'], or you can use session._api.profile()['pos'] to be totally sure you get the location stored on the server (I sometimes see discrepancies between the cached profile location and that stored on the server).

SHABINTHEGREAT commented 8 years ago

Shall test and respond. I have not looked at the distance/position aspect in months.