charliewolf / pynder

:fire: Python client for tinder api
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Location Change Not Functional Anymore #66

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

When location is changed using this update_location, its supposed to change the location but it's not actually updating on tinder.

Reproducible steps:

  1. Have a random location
  2. Change location using method below
  3. login to tinder on mobile app to verify change in settings

expected: new location in settings correlating to location above. whats happening: location never changed

import pynder import config

session = pynder.Session(config.FACEBOOK_ID, config.FACEBOOK_AUTH_TOKEN) print 'connection made'

session.update_location(37.774, -122.419)

output: connection made

Process finished with exit code 0

ghost commented 8 years ago

Well I did some more testing. Updated location to the other side of the world. When it looks for people nearby, it is finding nothing. However if i open the app, change the location - I can find tons of people.

def change_location():

x = ([51.507351, -0.127758], #london
    [40.625272, -74.026909]) #brooklyn
session.update_location(x[y][0], x[y][1])
if y == 0:
    print('location changed to London')
elif y == 1:
    print('location changed to Brooklyn')

so the location might be changed server side, sure. But it's obviously not reflecting when finding nearby users. For it not to find people means there is something happening here that makes this change ineffective.

Is there something else that needs to be updated when the location is changed? Maybe we need to refresh the nearby users no?

charliewolf commented 8 years ago

Perhaps we need to update both location AND pos. Perhaps using a geocoder of some sort.

ghost commented 8 years ago

y is consistent with numbers outside of the function so it can be 0,0 or 1,1 --- the point is this is NOT changing the position. If you update_location - and then look for matches - the new matches are NOT in the new location.

ghost commented 8 years ago

i agree with @charliewolf - there has to be something else that needs to be updated in order to change location.

DylanVanAssche commented 8 years ago

Sometimes it updates the location and sometimes it doesn't. I saw that if you wait enough it updates without any problems.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@modulebaan how long are we talking? an hour? hours? days?

DylanVanAssche commented 8 years ago

Most of the time 15 minutes works but not always

pointtonull commented 8 years ago

I've found it wasn't working with me, but when I disabled my passport feature it started working again.

Try setting your passport option to "My current location".

DylanVanAssche commented 8 years ago

I don't have Tinder Passport so it's always on 'My Current Location'