What I'm trying to do is log the impression count for the User model show page, and output the information to a chart. What I have below is not working correctly. I'm getting `"undefined methodthis_month' for #"` <%= line_chart current_user.impressionist_count %> displays the graph, but it doesn't scope to days, weeks, months or years like I need to it. I'm using PostgresSQL, btw.
What I'm trying to do is log the impression count for the User model show page, and output the information to a chart. What I have below is not working correctly. I'm getting"
`"undefined method
this_month' for #` <%= line_chart current_user.impressionist_count %>
displays the graph, but it doesn't scope to days, weeks, months or years like I need to it. I'm using PostgresSQL, btw.@user_monthly_profile_views = Impression.this_month.where(impresionable_id: current_user.id)
is_impressionable :counter_cache => true
users_controller.rbimpressionist :actions => [:show]