charlottebrf / DoctorsWhoCode

My Time Manager: Your helpful time manager app created for CF: G Ruby course AW 2016 course competition project.
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Graph's Y axis activity labels limited to 14 characters #19

Open melikecode opened 7 years ago

melikecode commented 7 years ago

The limit for displaying nicely seems to be 14 characters (including spaces). Is there a way to increase this? If you hover over the label it seems the full text shows, but I'm not sure how that would work on a mobile device (mobile devices have an even lower limit of around 8).

Do we want to place a limit on activity name length? Currently it's 30 characters.

sohbaker commented 7 years ago

I think 30 characters seems fair for max activity name length.

From what I've read we can look at slanting the text so it displays at an angle, which may allow for more characters - <%= line_chart User.all.group_by_day(:created_at, last: 14, discrete: true).count, {library: { hAxis: {slantedText: true, slantedTextAngle: 45 } } } %> (^ the above was the answer to issues with displaying along the x-axis, for y-axis we would try 'vAxis' and see whether it works in the same way)

Haven't seen any way to increase the characters shown or indent the graph slightly so there's more space to view the y-axis labels. Using a legend table instead doesn't seem to be a viable option as the colours on the bar chart are all the same.

sohbaker commented 7 years ago

From reading it seems this is as best as we could get it due to the nature of the chart, the good thing is that the chart allows for you to hover over and see more information about that particular line

charlottebrf commented 7 years ago

@ShivsBee Should this issue now be closed?