charlottesirot / elementR

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Cannot rank files in analyzed #5

Closed Sophie-DR closed 6 years ago

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

Hi, I cannot change the rank of my files (thus I cannot assess the machine drift)... The arrows appear in each box but I cannot type any number. Is it due to my browser (google chrome)?


Thank you for your nice package! I'm looking forward to use it fully!

charlottesirot commented 6 years ago

Hello Sophie,

Thanks for reporting. Well, it should not be related to the web browser. What is the definition of the screen you used to take this screenshot?

Cheers :)

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

Hi Charlotte,

Thanks for your fast answer. My resolution is 1290 x 1080.

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

Did you find what the issue could be? Should I change my resolution to open elementR correctly? To what resolution?

charlottesirot commented 6 years ago

Hello Sophie!

I just checked, yes the screen resolution might change the space allowed to write the ranks (we developed the software on larger resolution). To remedy that, just zoom a bit out and then the numbers should appeared. You can let this zoom setting as it or just zoom in again afterwards.

Does it work for you ?

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

Yes it does work when I zoom in. Thanks!

charlottesirot commented 6 years ago

Super !! You are welcome :)

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

Additional question: what is the optimal resolution you designed the web browser with? It will probably make things much easier if I can adapt my screen to that resolution.

Sophie-DR commented 6 years ago

To maybe help further users, I managed to solve the issue of the resolution on my laptop: I was increasing the size of all elements to 150 x but now I am back to 100 x (quite small!) but then elementR can display the ranking correctly. Good to know.