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Using JavaScript as my Butler #253

Closed kndshein closed 3 years ago

kndshein commented 3 years ago

Talk Title: Using JavaScript as my Butler: Automating My Laziness

Talk Idea, described briefly: Backstory: I have been chugging away at algorithms, and as a way to centralize all the algorithms I have learned/solved, I store them on my GitHub. However, I wanted more -- I wanted a Table of Contents page for the algorithms in a markdown file.

The problem: After every algorithm uploaded onto GitHub, I have to manually go into my markdown file and input said uploaded algorithm alphabetically into the Table of Contents, like a chump.

The solution: Not wanting to spend half a minute everyday, I spent 3 hours figuring out how to automate the entire process. Thus, my first ever automation code was born -- the code looks through my local JavaScript files, renames the titles, converts the titles into clickable links in the md file, and commit-pushes the code onto my GitHub.

The outcome: Everyday, whenever I run the script, I feel like I just discovered e = mc^2.

Your name: Kaung Shein

CCJS Slack username: kndshein

Estimated Talk Length: 7 - 10 minutes

Availability: Please check off the dates in which you would be interested in presenting your talk:

asasmith commented 3 years ago

Thanks @kndshein! Scheduling this for our july meetup.

asasmith commented 3 years ago

@kndshein are you able to give this talk at our september 1 meetup?

kndshein commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can do that! @asasmith

asasmith commented 3 years ago

Excellent! Thanks!

asasmith commented 3 years ago

Thanks for giving this talk!