charmbracelet / bubbles

TUI components for Bubble Tea 🫧
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styled placeholders #517

Open simonasGit opened 2 months ago

simonasGit commented 2 months ago

image Instead of using textinput.Model.TextStyle to style the whole text, one may want to only style certain words for example.

I think it might be in styleText because escape sequences are being applied to a lipgloss styled string.

meowgorithm commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the issue! So as a baseline, we should definitely strip ansi from placeholders. Then the question becomes: should we allow placeholders to be styled as well? I think so.

simonasGit commented 2 months ago

Yeah I guess if PlaceholderStyle and TextStyle are deprecated, if one wants a style for the whole string - m.ti.Placeholder = style.Render(text) or

func (m model) View() string {
    v := style.Render(m.ti.Value())
    return m.ti.View()