charmbracelet / gum

A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀
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Add `gum progress` bar #153

Open olivertzeng opened 2 years ago

olivertzeng commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I actually want to make a good Arch Linux install script but the gum spin doesn't show progress[...]

Describe the solution you'd like Add a --progress-bar or -p (checkout dialog)

Describe alternatives you've considered A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

maaslalani commented 2 years ago

Hey this is a great idea, how would you want to pass the progress information to the progress bar? I.e. how does the progress bar know when to progress? Or would it act similar to a spinner?

olivertzeng commented 2 years ago

It's probably not a spinner, its a thing that's called the --gauge flag in dialog.

olivertzeng commented 2 years ago

Sojamann commented 11 months ago

I also would like for the progress bar to exist, as this would make some scripts just a tiny bit nicer. Given that bubbles already has a progress bar one just needs to define how the command should work, which is what follows...

The help of the command

$ gum progress --help

Usage: gum progress

Display a progress bar given some input from standard input. 
The progress is counted up whenever the --progress-indicator is encountered.

  -h, --help                                 Show context-sensitive help.
  -v, --version                              Print the version number

  -l, --limit                                Specify how many items there are
  -t, --title                                Some contextual information which is shown to the user
  -i, --progress-indicator                   What indicator to use for counting progress. Defaults to '\n'
  -h, --hide-progress-indicator              Don't re-print the progress indicator
  -o, --show-output                          Forward the input

Some examples

sleep used as placeholder for any 'long' running process

Known length

The best case scenario is that we know the limit and can therefore show a nice progress bar.

for i in $(seq "$amount"); do
    sleep 1s
    echo ""
done | gum progress --limit "$amount" --title 'Counting the stars'

Unknown length

Given that the length is unknown we could still show how many iterations have passed and also show the elapsed time. tqdm does it like this like so: 2it [00:20, 2.00s/it]

find / -name ice.cream | gum progress --show-output
while true; do
    if [[ some cond ]]; then
    sleep 1s
    echo ""
done | gum progress

Special indicator for progress

When some commands run that also output something which should stay undisturbed but progress should still be shown the following could be done

    sleep 1s
    echo ':step:'

    sleep 1s
    echo ':step:'
} | gum progress --limit 2 --progress-indicator ':step:' --hide-progress-indicator

What do you think? Is this something that would fit gum? I'd actually like to work on this. Ping @muesli @maaslalani as both of you were already active in that issue.

As answer to the question: a new-line character on default.

olivertzeng commented 11 months ago

I also would like for the progress bar to exist, as this would make some scripts just a tiny bit nicer. Given that bubbles already has a progress bar one just needs to define how the command should work, which is what follows...

The help of the command

$ gum progress --help

Usage: gum progress

Display a progress bar given some input from standard input. 

The progress is counted up whenever the --progress-indicator is encountered.


  -h, --help                                 Show context-sensitive help.

  -v, --version                              Print the version number

  -l, --limit                                Specify how many items there are

  -t, --title                                Some contextual information which is shown to the user

  -i, --progress-indicator                   What indicator to use for counting progress. Defaults to '\n'

  -h, --hide-progress-indicator              Don't re-print the progress indicator

  -o, --show-output                          Forward the input

Some examples

sleep used as placeholder for any 'long' running process

Known length

The best case scenario is that we know the limit and can therefore show a nice progress bar.


for i in $(seq "$amount"); do

    sleep 1s

    echo ""

done | gum progress --limit "$amount" --title 'Counting the stars'

Unknown length

Given that the length is unknown we could still show how many iterations have passed and also show the elapsed time.

tqdm does it like this like so: 2it [00:20, 2.00s/it]

find / -name ice.cream | gum progress --show-output

while true; do

    if [[ some cond ]]; then



    sleep 1s

    echo ""

done | gum progress

Special indicator for progress

When some commands run that also output something which should stay undisturbed but progress should still be shown the following could be done


    sleep 1s

    echo ':step:'

    sleep 1s

    echo ':step:'

} | gum progress --limit 2 --progress-indicator ':step:' --hide-progress-indicator

What do you think? Is this something that would fit gum? I'd actually like to work on this.

Ping @muesli @maaslalani as both of you were already active in that issue.

As answer to the question: a new-line character on default.

Thanks for your reply!

olivertzeng commented 11 months ago

Would really want to see this feature being implemented Lu