charmbracelet / soft-serve

The mighty, self-hostable Git server for the command line🍦
MIT License
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Option to have bare repositories without .git in name #530

Open wbrijesh opened 1 month ago

wbrijesh commented 1 month ago

I use soft serve and legit but every few months I end up setting up my server again (not because of git) and I end up rewriting legit code to work with .git extension and not show it in URL

I only have issue with .git in url because go-import meta tag (to go get packages) only works if there isn't a .git in the meta tag and the URL

I know it is standard practice to use the .git suffix in bare repositories but could you please add a flag in config file for soft serve to not use .git extension

aymanbagabas commented 1 month ago

@wbrijesh Soft Serve has support for proper go-import meta tag curl https://YOUR_SOFT_SERVE_SERVER/REPO. Given that Soft Serve doesn't have a web interface yet you could redirect Legit go-import requests to your Soft Serve instance to get a working meta tag requests.

With that being said, I really admire Legit and wouldn't mind some sort of a port for its UI to Soft Serve with custom templates. That's always been the vision for Soft Serve web UI. If that something you're interested in, you're more than welcome to send a PR. Personally, we don't have the capacity right now to work on such a big feature.
