Open ghost opened 5 years ago
Hey @ardeego , thanks for reporting! I'll fix this. Just to be sure I get this right, though, could you provide a few example sentences containing both 2- and 3+ word compound nouns? (I'm having a hard time coming up with good examples to test...)
Another reason for more examples is that I don't think I'm seeing the issue you mentioned in the first example I came up with:
>>> doc = nlp("The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom.")
>>> for tok in doc:
... print(tok, "=>", [l, l.dep_) for l in tok.lefts])
The => []
cherry => []
blossom => []
trees => [(The, 'det'), (cherry, 'compound'), (blossom, 'compound')]
were => [(trees, 'nsubj')]
in => []
full => []
bloom => [(full, 'amod')]
. => []
You can see that both "cherry" and "blossom" are in the lefts of "trees".
Hi, I think for the most part it get's it right, but I've seen it here:
doc = nlp(u"The microsoft browser program window shadow isn't looking very good on the screen")
for tok in doc:
print(tok, "=>", [(l, l.dep_) for l in tok.lefts])
The => []
microsoft => []
browser => [(microsoft, 'compound')]
program => []
window => [(browser, 'compound'), (program, 'compound')]
shadow => [(The, 'det'), (window, 'compound')]
is => []
n't => []
looking => [(shadow, 'nsubj'), (is, 'aux'), (n't, 'neg')]
very => []
good => [(very, 'advmod')]
on => []
the => []
screen => [(the, 'det')]
I used this to better visualize the issue:
from spacy import displacy
displacy.render(doc, style="dep")
Most consistently it happens if a proper noun is part of the compound. Does this parse the same way for you? Otherwise this might be an issue with spaCy?
The code I posted earlier is not a fix either btw cuz it misses the places where your code skipped left correctly.
Mine actually parses differently. (I'm using the small English 2.1 model, you?).
The => []
microsoft => []
browser => [(microsoft, 'amod')]
program => [(browser, 'compound')]
window => [(program, 'compound')]
shadow => [(The, 'det'), (window, 'compound')]
is => []
n't => []
looking => [(shadow, 'nsubj'), (is, 'aux'), (n't, 'neg')]
very => []
good => [(very, 'advmod')]
on => []
the => []
screen => [(the, 'det')]
I'm honestly not sure how to proceed. If the parser were 100% correct, would we expect all nouns in a single compound noun to be in the .lefts
of the primary noun? If not, what's the expected form of the parse?
I was using the large English model:
I'm not sure how to proceed either. Nor am I sure what 100% correct would mean for a compound, I thought going over the lefts on a noun chunk would be sufficient, til I found several examples where it was not. I have seen a whole lot of combination of compound dependency arrangements. I guess the full compound would be the longest "compound dependency path" in the parsing tree. I am sitting a bit on the fence on this, as I wonder if a longer compound noun is necessarily better than a partial one. If the compound word gets too long it would be come very specific and very rare over the corpus, so I wonder how much of a downstream value such a compound would serve. Maybe @honnibal can advise on the parsing correctness?
This is the non-recursive solution I ended up settling on (handles all parsing variations of compound nouns I came across). Not as slick as your itertools solution, but performance should be pretty good, as no generators had to be expanded into lists.
def get_span_for_compound_noun(noun):
Return document indexes spanning all (adjacent) tokens
in a compound noun.
end = noun.i
start = end
lefts = noun.lefts
token = None
for token in lefts:
if token.dep_ == "compound":
start = token.i
lefts = token.lefts
if token:
if start != token.i:
return (start, end)
I'm still a bit torn about this, but if it works, I'm happy to accept the empirical evidence. :) Could you provide me with a handful of example sentences and their expected outputs? I'll add a test to make sure everything works as expected. Thanks for keeping on this!
Will make some time for it. Thanks.
Hey there, I was wondering if
is correctly implemented? Iterating over thelefts
is not going to work for triple (plus) compounds as they won't be rooted at the same noun but in a cascading fashion (this would not get the compound noun "pool table stick" for example) This is what I ended up doing:Technically, for it to be a proper span it probably should have returned