chartchai-class / se-project-234-2023-c2w

se-project-234-2023-c2w created by GitHub Classroom
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Merge to main branch #12

Open SammyEiei opened 5 months ago

SammyEiei commented 5 months ago

Process Steps:

  1. Issue Completion: Confirm that the issue is marked as 'Done' in the Kanban board, and all sub-tasks are completed.
  2. Code Review: Submit a pull request for the completed issue. Assign a reviewer to conduct a code review.
  3. Testing: Ensure all automated tests associated with the issue pass.
  4. Conflict Resolution: Prior to merging, resolve any merge conflicts between the feature branch and the main branch.
  5. Final Approval: Obtain final approval from the code reviewer or the team lead.
  6. Merge to Main: Merge the feature branch into the main branch through the pull request.
  7. Continuous Integration: Monitor the CI process to ensure the main branch builds successfully post-merge.
  8. Documentation: Update any related documentation as necessary to reflect the changes.
  9. Communication: Notify the team that the merge has been completed.

Completion Criteria:

All steps in the process are documented and followed. The merged code is stable and does not introduce new bugs or issues to the main branch. The feature branch is deleted after a successful merge if that's the team's policy.