chartchai-class / se-project-234-2023-c2w

se-project-234-2023-c2w created by GitHub Classroom
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Create Top 10 Products Best sellers #16

Open SammyEiei opened 5 months ago

SammyEiei commented 5 months ago


Implement backend logic to query the database for the top 10 products based on sales volume. Ensure the data includes necessary product details such as name, image, price, and a link to the product page.

Design and develop a visually appealing section on the homepage (or a designated page) to showcase the best-selling products. Each product should have a thumbnail image, product name, price, and a link to its detail page. Ensure the design is responsive to cater to different device sizes. Update Mechanism:

The top 10 list should update automatically based on sales data. Consider implementing a scheduled task or real-time update mechanism.

Users should be able to click on each product to navigate to the product's detail page. Ensure the user experience is seamless and the loading time is optimized. Testing:

Conduct thorough testing to ensure accuracy in the product rankings. Test the responsiveness and user interaction across different browsers and devices.

Document the feature's development process, the technologies used, and instructions for future updates or maintenance.


WoraBrave commented 5 months ago

@PhoopPeep help me to design UI of this page