Currently the app CLI offers a document range (re)indexation option to (re)index documents between ids X and Y, which is useful to partially (re)index with the command :
python3 --config={dev/prod} db-reindex --host=http://localhost--between=X,Y
However, the (re)indexation is based on the database model "id" field :
the main Place table (511.944 lieux) does not contain an id field
the historical names PlaceOldLabel (1.207.647 formes anciennes) does contain an id field
As a result, when the option --between=X,Y is used : only PlaceOldLabel documents between X, Y are (re)indexed.
Is this correct ? If not, how should the (re)indexation work ?
Currently the app CLI offers a document range (re)indexation option to (re)index documents between ids X and Y, which is useful to partially (re)index with the command : python3 --config={dev/prod} db-reindex --host=http://localhost --between=X,Y
However, the (re)indexation is based on the database model "id" field :
As a result, when the option --between=X,Y is used : only PlaceOldLabel documents between X, Y are (re)indexed.
Is this correct ? If not, how should the (re)indexation work ?