chartist-js / chartist

Simple responsive charts
MIT License
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Enable compound charts where different types can be combined #37

Open danreed121 opened 10 years ago

danreed121 commented 10 years ago

First off, loving the simple and clean look (not to mention all the other cool features, current and planned).

Wondering if there were plans to do combo charts. I know that a bar/line (where you could have a couple of each on the same canvas) would be useful. Has any design been put in to this? I know there are complications with data ranges/etc, but a simple example would be something that shows "widgets built" for each period as bars, with a trend line as a line. Happy to perhaps start looking at doing it, but didn't want to step on any other efforts.

Again, great lib, great start. So nice and so clean.

danreed121 commented 10 years ago

Sorry, not sure I quite follow the reply. I realize that both Bar and Line charts exist, but best I can tell you can't have both on the same canvas at the same time. (and perhaps I am mistaken). Not clear what you mean by "domain has trust issues and don't want to go out his way for nota." Sorry!

gionkunz commented 10 years ago

@danreed121, thanks for the kind words! :smiley: I actually had this in mind for a long time and it's definitely something we should provide in the future. However, it's a challenging design issue and I'd like to solve this right. The technical approach so far is to provide abstraction by functional style and higher order functions. The problem of multiple charts on the same grid screams for polymorphism and a more prototypical / OO approach At least I couldn't come up with a functional approach to design this, although I did only spent some thinking in the shower without any research. I think chartist should provide a way to divide the Charts into polar and cartesian charts where the ones in the same group can be layered however the users wish to. This could be done with a new compound chart that is able to layer sub charts if they use the same coordinate system. I'd like to refactor the whole code into this direction anyway, but it will definitely happen after the accessibility work I'm working on with @JamieKnight under #2 and probably also after the testability issues we currently have tracked by #8 (only the SVG DOM manipulation component is actually covered with test currently :x: ). My prediction is also that this will also result in the first major semver release with backwards compatibility issues. Nothing really bad but just to show you how deep this will go into the architecture of Chartist.

@jordanpolo can't really decode your message :smiley: Please elaborate.

danreed121 commented 10 years ago

a bot?

danreed121 commented 10 years ago

@gionkunz I like the idea of a breakdown on coordinate systems... and it does make sense that ones from one system can't be included on a chart canvas of a different coordinate system. I also understand that you have priorities, makes sense.

I haven't grabbed the code to even look at how things are organized, but I will at some point to see if there is anywhere I can help out. Looking forward to staying in the loop on this lib.

gionkunz commented 10 years ago

@danreed121 , yeah I guess so. Even a bad google translate usage could not explain such a context-less discussion :smile: I've removed his comments and blocked the user in my profile. I hope this will also block him from any actions on repos I own. Damn robots, they will take over the world one time! :mans_shoe:

gionkunz commented 10 years ago

Sure, lets use this task for further discussions. I'll rename the task to be more generic on this topic.

danreed121 commented 9 years ago

A very typical example would be an Agile burndown chart...

gionkunz commented 9 years ago

Nice example :-) Thanks

yellow1912 commented 9 years ago

+1 for this, would really love to see it.

moneytree-doug commented 9 years ago

I think there should be two options for multiple charts on the same graph. 1) One that uses the same data/axis 2) One that uses two different sets of data and uses two different axes

studentIvan commented 9 years ago


hristod commented 9 years ago

I got a little confused here. I am also looking for the multiple Y-axis feature, mentioned in #60. Do we have anything on that already?

moneytree-doug commented 9 years ago

@hristod No, but some people are just using the same canvas and painting over the original graph

Lenninlasd commented 9 years ago

+1 @gionkunz all we love you for this feature :)

mikerandall commented 9 years ago

So I am looking for a way to make the Y Axis have a fixed position in a line graph. What I'd like is to have a graph in an overflow-x:scroll window, so that the user can scroll the graph. During that scroll, I would like to keep the Y-Axis in a fixed position so that the data is measurable against the axis. Would compound graphs be able to accomplish this?

mastercyb commented 9 years ago

+1 @gionkunz Very very so much need!

HopefulLlama commented 9 years ago

+1 @gionkunz again. Once this is supported, it will be possible for me to switch from NVD3 to this!

mastercyb commented 9 years ago

+0.1 BTC for feature. Look on chartist in production! It's awesome! But so much need compound charts!

moneytree-doug commented 9 years ago

@gionkunz Just out of curiosity, where in the process is this? Is it still being planned and brainstormed? Do you need help extra programming help?

gionkunz commented 9 years ago

Currently we are still discussing about design of this feature. Deep support / polymorph chart vs. creating multiple charts for the different types in one container where they are linked to some sort (grid etc.). I'd appreciate any ideas, concepts, references etc. before we start with any implementation.

moneytree-doug commented 9 years ago

@gionkunz Where can I read more about this discussion and get caught up?

lucasmaldonado commented 9 years ago

Hey, is this something that will be developed in the near future? Chartist is great, the best library out there but without dual Y axis for line charts, I'm afraid I have to find another solution.


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ChrisCooney commented 9 years ago

I've just begun using this and a dual axis chart would be incredibly welcome. It would really open up what we can do with data comparison.

mastercyb commented 9 years ago

It seems that dual axis is a very hot topic! How we can boost it?

gionkunz commented 8 years ago

I'll spend some time in Berlin end of October where I'll work dedicated on Chartist to release 1.0 and this feature is in the top 5 for 1.0 readiness.

mastercyb commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Really want to implement!

aoghina commented 8 years ago

:+1: that would be great!

gionkunz commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately I didn't had time to pick this up during my time in Berline due to other priorities. :( Still, this feature is the first one on my priority list for Chartist.

allinurl commented 8 years ago


GaryStanton commented 8 years ago

Great library, but I'd love to see this too.

zxpower commented 8 years ago

I'm voting for this to be implemented, too!

It would help to reduce the number of charts in my app's Dashboard ;)

brwinkle commented 8 years ago

+1 For dual-axis charts

vinalys commented 8 years ago


moneytree-doug commented 8 years ago

Just wanted to share my solution on today's existing framework. What I ended up doing was placing hooks on the data points and then drawing my on line above my bar charts.

mriahi1 commented 8 years ago


GeneralCan commented 8 years ago


Quas94 commented 8 years ago

Would love to have this feature also.

enricleon commented 8 years ago


abpai commented 8 years ago


uaNikita commented 8 years ago


ryanlin1986 commented 8 years ago

Just found plotly support this.

mastercyb commented 8 years ago

@ryanlin1986 Yes. They do. But I like lightweight design of Chartist. Though I don't sure that I'll be able to wait this feature :-( It is mandatory for my service.

ryanlin1986 commented 8 years ago

@21xhipster Totally agree, plotly is great but too heavy-weight, 1MB+ minimized. Don't know when will they modularise it:

mastercyb commented 8 years ago

@ryanlin1986 Even if plotly will be modularised it depends on d3.js. And d3.js is 152kb minimized as of now. One thing I like in Chartist is nice design by default. Plotly lack of it. So, @gionkunz, it is better to wait a bit :100: My bounty is still active!

fealXX commented 8 years ago


Seb33300 commented 8 years ago


chrisdeeming commented 8 years ago


jonathanmendes commented 8 years ago


luispablo commented 8 years ago


brugnara commented 8 years ago

+1 any chance to get this with a plugin?

EDIT: For now, a good solution for me is to normalize data to a %. Ps: thanks for this great library :+1: