chartjs / Chart.js

Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
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Point style cannot be changed in afterEvent callback. #11712

Open jwedel opened 3 months ago

jwedel commented 3 months ago

Expected behavior

When writing a plugin for line charts, that should highlight both lines and points of a dataset on hover, we do the following:

id: 'highlightDatasets',
  defaults: {
    events: ['mousemove', 'mouseout'],
    chart: ProcessChart,
    args: { event: ChartEvent; changed?: boolean; replay: boolean },
  ): void {
    const items: InteractionItem[] = itemsAtEvent(chart, args.event);

    switch (args.event.type) {
      case 'mousemove':
      case 'mouseout':
        handleHoverEvent(items, chart);

Somewhere later in the code, we determine which datasets should be freyed out (not hovered) and which should be emphasized. Then we apply styles like that:

chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).dataset.options['borderWidth'] = width;
chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).dataset.options['borderColor'] = color;
chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).dataset.options['backgroundColor'] = color;

width and color are determined by whether it should be greyed out / highlighted.

With this code, I expect both dataset lines as well as points to be styled accordingly.

Current behavior

Now this code works very well without even an additional chart update for the lines. However, the point style remains unchanged and remains the way it is upon chart config generation.

As you can see in the provided example, only the line changes, not the point color:


We can do some seemingly hacky things like

chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex)['_dataset']['backgroundColor'] = color;

with an additional update but this should not be working like that.

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Chrome 121.0.6167.139

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