chartjs / Chart.js

Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
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Chart with live data source + decimation + zoom plugins not drawing new points when samples exceed decimation threshold #11929

Open twilson90 opened 1 month ago

twilson90 commented 1 month ago

Expected behavior

I have a line chart that updates every second with live data. Every time data is received it is pushed onto a (not re-constructed) I have enabled decimation and zoom because the amount of data points can get into tens of thousands. All works well until I zoom out enough that the decimation threshold is passed, at which point the graph stops adding points to the canvas. The scale continues to grow however which suggests a bug. If I disable decimation then the problem doesn't occur.

Presumably I have to do something to refresh the internal _data buffer but there's nothing in the docs I can find that suggests anything.

Current behavior

What it looks like after zooming out and waiting: chrome_CPt5mrz4pC

Closer to what it should look like: image_3

Optional extra steps/info to reproduce

this.chart = new Chart(this.canvas, {
  type: "line",
  data: {},
  options: {
      normalized: true,
      parsing: false,
      spanGaps: true,
      onHover: (e)=>{
 = "crosshair"
      animation: false,
      maintainAspectRatio: false,
      scales: {
          x: {
              display: 'auto',
              type: "linear",
              min: 0,
              max: 60*1000,
              ticks: {
                  autoSkip: true,
                  maxRotation: 0,
                  callback: (value, index, values)=>{
                      if (index == 0 || index == values.length - 1) return null;
                      return ms_to_timespan(value);
          y: {
              display: 'auto',
              type: "linear",
              ticks: {
                  callback: (value, index, values)=>{
                      return this.#format_value(value)
      plugins: {
          zoom: {

              limits: {
                  x: {
                      minRange: 10*1000
              pan: {
                  enabled: true,
                  mode: 'x',
                  onPanStart:(c, ...args)=>{
                      this.panning = true;
                      this.panning = false;
              zoom: {
                  wheel: {
                      enabled: false,
                  pinch: {
                      enabled: false
                  mode: 'x',
                      this.zooming = true;
                      this.zooming = false;
          tooltip: {
              callbacks: {
                  title: (ctxs)=>{
                      return>ms_to_timespan(ctx.raw.x)).join(", ");
                  label: (ctx)=>{
                      return `${this.#parse_key(ctx.dataset.label)[0]}: ${this.#format_value(ctx.raw.y)}`;
          legend: {
              labels: {
                  boxWidth: Chart.defaults.font.size,
                  generateLabels: (c)=>{
                      var items = Chart.defaults.plugins.legend.labels.generateLabels(c);
                      for (var i of items) {
                          i.text = this.#parse_key(i.text)[0];
                      return items;
              onHover: ()=>{
         = "pointer";
              onLeave: ()=>{
         = "";
              onClick: (e, legendItem, legend)=>{
                  Chart.defaults.plugins.legend.onClick(e, legendItem, legend);
          /* decimation: {
              enabled: true,
              algorithm: 'min-max',
              samples: 100,
              threshold: 100
          }, */

Whenever I want to add data: = Object.entries(raw_data).map(([key,{data,length}], i)=>{
  let dataset =>d.label==key);
  dataset = dataset ?? {
      label: key,
      borderWidth: 1.0,
      pointRadius: 1.5,
      pointHitRadius: 2,
      pointStyle: "rect",
      fill: false,
      tension: 0.5,
      borderJoinStyle: "round",
      data: []
  dataset.borderColor = graph_colors[i%graph_colors.length];
  if (data && length) {
      for (var i =; i<length; i++) {
          let [x,y] = data[i];
  return dataset;

Possible solution

Some way of refreshing decimate's _data buffer referenced in the docs?

Has to be efficient though, can't regenerate from scratch with each new sample.


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chart.js version


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twilson90 commented 1 month ago

Figured out a solution, when appending samples with decimation enabled I now do:;
if (dataset._data) dataset._data.push(...samples);

And if I'm retrieving a sample from a dataset, I refer to _data if it exists, otherwise data.

etimberg commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this @twilson90. It definitely sounds like a bug in the decimation plugin since you shouldn't need to care about _data.