chasecmiller / Crumbls-Cache

Caching for WP via PHPFastCache
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Implementation: Redis #9

Open chasecmiller opened 7 years ago

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

Bring Redis online.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

i can help test

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

I created a major revision of the admin area. It will overwrite your config from scratch. It should be fully supporting redis, predis now. I just didn't want to install it over your current during the middle of the day.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

i'll do it or if you want to install it go ahead it's not a problem :)

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

what is preferable like to remove and desactivate and delete the actual plugin or to just overwritte from the new files you push???

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

I just overwrote, since most files are the same. Having a little issue with the js not being executed on time though.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago


chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

It looks like the server is caching the js files for some reason. ( ) which is why the js isn't working. But, otherwise it's looking like it's working. I'll need some time to run some tests.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

perfect my friends i'll test a configuration like page cache memcached, transient/sitetransient memcached, and object cached redis. what you think it's was speeding real fast that way.

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a good idea. I need to provide a default caching method when the plugin is installed. If you just installed from scratch, without a config, it crawls.

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

If you can clear your server's cache to remove the minification of that js file, you will only see the fields you need.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

ok perfect

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

by the way phpfastcache create is own caching directory ./tmp/phpfastcache/

when files is activated at this place, but that's strange it's outside my directory.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

and i tried to clean every cache and turn off the debug message and i still have that showing up

Notice: Undefined index: outside_loop in /home/madmax/public_html/neufsvies/wp-content/plugins/rrssb/rrssb.php on line 124

Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_before_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_before_myoption' in /home/madmax/public_html/neufsvies/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 228

Notice: Use of undefined constant ga_strikable_after_myoption - assumed 'ga_strikable_after_myoption' in /home/madmax/public_html/neufsvies/wp-content/plugins/simplest-adsense-ads-manager/simplest-adsense-ads-manager.php on line 257

do you know why???

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

It created the ./tmp when it didn't know where it could go. So, it needs to have the default directory for wp-content/cache/ in there to prevent that.

Both of those are tied to your external plugins that are running code without verifying that a variable is set. I can look at them real fast.

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

Not sure about the ones in simplest-adsense-ads-manager. They are defining a constant somewhere, but it's never defined. So it just looks for a string of ga_strikable_after_myoption. I tried to hardcode it. You should see that error go away.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

ok i don't see the error on newer things that is cache, but on older


i see the error even if i do clear all cache.

but on this one

since i access it after you fix them is not showing up.

so does that mean that the cache is not emptying correctly and sorry you talk about it earlier and dont want to make you repeat or else.

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

You're 100% correct. I had to take the clear cache buttons/functionality off, but will be added back today.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

perfect and seriously i want to say it, you rock man, you are seriously extroardinary, all of this will not be possible and your work is really important since seriously i tried, wp-rocket, ffpc, batcache, redis-object-cache, and it was always one or the other, now because of you we have something that we can configure the way we want with technologie that are 21st century and i thank you for your hard work and else my friend.

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

I appreciate it. Thanks for all of your help!

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

it's nothing man :) and it's a pleasure

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

so did you had time for the cache button cleaner?

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

I did in the latest push. Thanks!

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

ok gonna install it :)

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

don't work i still see the error

in that

or it's me???

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

it's okay i have turn off in errorhandler.php display error.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

it's working after a refresh now :) good and nice fucking job

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

Great! Sorry, was eating lunch.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

and by the way im gonna install the caching plugin on 2 news website today or tomorow so that way it can provide more feedback if you allow me to do so.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

but will it cause problem since it gonna be on the same server???

chasecmiller commented 7 years ago

No it won't. The only time it will is if you define a phpfastcahce key manually and the two collide. By default, it creates a key based off of the current url.

mxmkmarquette commented 7 years ago

perfect my friend :)