If a set of HDL files exists publicly available, yet to avoid syncing with the remote and trying to push personal changes to the repository, it can be beneficial to "fork"/"copy" the repository through initializing the project as a block and then detaching the remote url from the git repository.
legohdl init myLibrary.myDesign -https://git/some/repository.git -fork
This will clone the repository to the current working directory, initialize that current git repository into a valid block format, and then detach the remote url from the repository. This means the valid block format changes won't get pushed to the remote repository.
If a set of HDL files exists publicly available, yet to avoid syncing with the remote and trying to push personal changes to the repository, it can be beneficial to "fork"/"copy" the repository through initializing the project as a block and then detaching the remote url from the git repository.
legohdl init myLibrary.myDesign -https://git/some/repository.git -fork
This will clone the repository to the current working directory, initialize that current git repository into a valid block format, and then detach the remote url from the repository. This means the valid block format changes won't get pushed to the remote repository.