chasinglogic / dfm

A dotfile management tool for pair programmers.
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 7 forks source link

issue might be I am an idiot #25

Closed XakV closed 7 years ago

XakV commented 7 years ago

I tried to follow the starting with a blank repo instructions. First, I forgot my github password. I usually use ssh. I have a password on my ssh key, no big deal. I added bash as an ssh agent, ran ssh-add, but now dfm would not allow me to add the remote. I thought to myself, "dude, you watched this guy's git talk, you got this," and dove down into my meager git skills. cd'ing into the profile i had added for dfm, i was able to run git remote add origin, and I am in business! Well, sort of. Because I created the new dotfile repo, I had to pull down the readme. I ran into a merge conflict message I had to google, and then added --allow-unrelated-histories to my git pull command. Then finally, dfm push worked as expected.

I have to say, I have tried yadm as well (another dotfiles manager) and couldnt get my head around the concept enough to say I liked using it. I like the concept you have here, it makes more sense to me, but I don't know if the README section needs some caveats for "advanced idiots" like myself, or if I'm just really bad at git in general.

I wont be upset if you just close out this issue with a note that says "user is way too dumb", but if there is something I can add to the readme, or maybe improve some error message, I will be happy to do that and send a pull request. I dont know golang, but how hard can it be for an intelligent chap like myself? :)

If it helps you to suss out what I did wrong, here is a bit of my history, note I skipped to the last, semi-successful attempt;

174 dfm add .dircolors 175 dfm add .Xresources 176 dfm add .taskrc .tmux.conf .vimrc .kshrc 177 dfm commit -am "init again?" 178 dfm remote #tried to get dfm to tell me what the remote was_ 179 dfm remote 180 dfm remote add spatterjay 181 dfm remote add 184 cd spatterjay/ 186 git remote 187 git remote add origin 188 dfm push 189 dfm pull 190 git checkout master 192 git branch -l 193 git pull 194 git pull --set-upstream-to=origin/spatterjay master 196 git branch -l 197 dfm pull 198 git merge 199 git remote add master 206 git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master origin 207 git pull origin master 208 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 209 dfm push

chasinglogic commented 7 years ago

Actually turns out I'm the idiot. I never wrote the remote command! I'll get on that right now thanks for the bug report!

chasinglogic commented 7 years ago

@AffableZonkey I pushed a fix and updated the documentation in the README if you wouldn't mind checking it that would be awesome! If you notice anything feel free to fork it and submit your changes or just open a new issue. Thanks again for the bug report!

XakV commented 7 years ago

Hey thanks Matt! I will try it out shortly.