chatengine-io / react-chat-engine

React component for a cheap and easy chat API
138 stars 35 forks source link

Doesn't work with Windows11 and select Windows10 devices. #121

Open Jaideep25 opened 2 years ago

Jaideep25 commented 2 years ago

Hello! Thank you so much for this amazing backend for a chat app, but... you can't open the chat after the login in windows11, you can check on your own, in any app, for your convinience you can check here on mine (which is being built, like styling is only remaining), I had seen this issue from a long time, but thought chatengine would rectify and clear it, but unfortunately you must have not found it out. Anyways, Thanks a lot! Hope it gets sorted out! Will be waiting for a solution :) Regards.

Jaideep25 commented 2 years ago

Logs in chrome : image

Logs in edge : image

Logs in firefox : image

alamorre commented 2 years ago

I don't have a machine which can run Windows 11. Used VMWare fusion and my machine specs are not compatible.

Lets see if anybody else is having this issue too.

Jaideep25 commented 2 years ago
