chatengine-io / react-chat-engine

React component for a cheap and easy chat API
138 stars 35 forks source link

Chat suddenly stopped working, projects disappeared from, I'm not free user #140

Closed amer1x closed 2 years ago

amer1x commented 2 years ago

I'm getting 403 errors, with message that my credentials are not correct even though they worked couple of days ago, and I didn't change anything. I'm subscribed to Light plan but now I can't see any of my projects and I can't even unsubscribe from current plan or change it. Chat on is also not working. This feels like a scam if I'm honest...

alamorre commented 2 years ago

Hello! You can share your email with and we can see what happened to your project.

I assume you didn't complete the checkout session and the project was deleted upon expiry. But if I'm wrong we'll happily refund you. Again, please email us specifics.

amer1x commented 2 years ago

Issues resolved due to some web-hook that deleted the projects, and Adam fixed it so it shouldn't happen in the future.