chatpire / chatgpt-web-share

ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API sharing solution.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OpenaiWebException: [-1] errors.openaiWeb Our systems have detected unusual activity from your system. Please try again later. #354

Closed Oliverwqcwrw closed 5 months ago

Oliverwqcwrw commented 5 months ago

Version v0.4.0

What's your deploying method?

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

web 的GPT4使用的时候报这个错,3.5没问题

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. 选择Web,选择GPT4
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior 期待Web可以正常使用GPT4

Your config.yaml or other configurations Provide your configurations. You may hide your secrets or access tokens.

openai_web: enabled: true is_plus_account: true chatgpt_base_url: http://ninja:7999/backend-api/ proxy: common_timeout: 10 ask_timeout: 600 sync_conversations_on_startup: true sync_conversations_schedule: false sync_conversations_schedule_interval_hours: 12 enabled_models:

  • gpt_3_5
  • gpt_4
  • gpt_4_code_interpreter model_code_mapping: gpt_3_5: gpt-3.5-turbo gpt_3_5_mobile: text-davinci-002-render-sha-mobile gpt_4: gpt-4-turbo-preview gpt_4_mobile: gpt-4-mobile gpt_4_browsing: gpt-4-turbo-preview-browsing gpt_4_plugins: gpt-4-turbo-preview-plugins gpt_4_code_interpreter: gpt-4-code-interpreter gpt_4_dalle: gpt-4-turbo-preview-dalle file_upload_strategy: browser_upload_only enable_uploading_attachments: true enable_uploading_multimodal_images: true openai_api: enabled: true openai_base_url: proxy: connect_timeout: 10 read_timeout: 20 enabled_models:
  • gpt_3_5
  • gpt_4 model_code_mapping: gpt_3_5: gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 gpt_4: gpt-4-0125-preview common: print_sql: false create_initial_admin_user: true initial_admin_user_username: admin initial_admin_user_password: password http: host: port: 8000 cors_allow_origins:
  • http://localhost
  • data: data_dir: ./data database_url: sqlite+aiosqlite:///data/database.db mongodb_url: mongodb://cws:password@mongo:27017 mongodb_db_name: cws run_migration: false max_file_upload_size: 104857600 auth: jwt_secret: MODIFY_THIS_TO_RANDOM_SECRET jwt_lifetime_seconds: 86400 cookie_max_age: 86400 user_secret: MODIFY_THIS_TO_RANDOM_SECRET stats: ask_stats_ttl: 7776000 request_stats_ttl: 2592000 request_stats_filter_keywords:
  • /status log: console_log_level: DEBUG

Screenshots or running logs If applicable, add screenshots or logs to help explain your problem.

INFO: [] admin connected to websocket 2024/01/27 19:30:36.584 ERROR: [] OpenaiWebException: [-1] errors.openaiWeb Our systems have detected unusual activity from your system. Please try again later. 2024/01/27 19:30:36.597 DEBUG: [] terminated ask 51c13ad9-ae64-42c2-81da-83e22bd1de4d (gpt_4_code_interpreter) because of error 2024/01/27 19:30:36.858 INFO: [uvicorn.error] connection closed 2024/01/27 19:30:37.164 INFO: [cws.access] | GET /user/me HTTP/1.1 | 200 OK | 21 ms

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

jurieo commented 5 months ago


moeakwak commented 5 months ago

请看 Ninja 文档。这种情况可能是 IP 被 ban 等原因。

spammenotinoz commented 5 months ago

HAR expiring can also cause this