chatrbot / wechaty-puppet-simplepad-demo

Demo for simplepad
Apache License 2.0
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wechaty-puppet 没有FriendshipType和 ScanStatus #6

Open myyueyue opened 2 months ago

myyueyue commented 2 months ago

D:\nwm-node\nvm\v21.0.0\node_modules\node_global\node_modules\ts-node\src\index.ts:859 return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes, diagnostics); ^ TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript: bot.ts:3:9 - error TS2305: Module '"wechaty-puppet"' has no exported member 'FriendshipType'.

3 import {FriendshipType, ScanStatus} from "wechaty-puppet"

bot.ts:3:25 - error TS2305: Module '"wechaty-puppet"' has no exported member 'ScanStatus'.

3 import {FriendshipType, ScanStatus} from "wechaty-puppet"

bot.ts:25:26 - error TS2322: Type 'PuppetSimplePad' is not assignable to type '"wechaty-puppet-hostie" | "wechaty-puppet-puppeteer" | "wechaty-puppet-service" | "wechaty-puppet-mock" | "wechaty-puppet-wechat" | "wechaty-puppet-wechat4u" | "wechaty-puppet-padlocal" | ... 8 more ... | undefined'. Type 'PuppetSimplePad' is missing the following properties from type 'Puppet': cacheContactPayload, cacheFriendshipPayload, cacheMessagePayload, cacheRoomPayload, and 17 more.

25 const bot = new Wechaty({puppet})