chatscope / chat-ui-kit-react

Build your own chat UI with React components in few minutes. Chat UI Kit from chatscope is an open source UI toolkit for developing web chat applications.
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MessageList gradually scrolling out of view when new message is received #124

Open jordanshardy opened 1 year ago

jordanshardy commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for your work, awesome package.

Having a small issue where a new message is received, the last message on MessageList is gradually scrolling out of focus.

Here is the example video:

Here is the code, pretty straight forward so I don't think it's something with the props:

              hasMoreMessages &&
              !isLoadingMessages &&
              typeof onLoadMore === 'function'
                ? onLoadMore
                : undefined

Curious if anyone else is having this issue and what I can do to solve it.


supersnager commented 9 months ago

@yordanshardy I'm not sure but it may be due to custom message styling. Unfortunately managing sticky scroll is quite complicated, so it is impossible to debug with just a video and a simple example. If the problem still occurs please provide a repro.