chatwoot / chatwoot

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Automation: chatwoot sending automation for conversations started by agents #9224

Open raffus opened 1 month ago

raffus commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Chatwoot is sending automation messages for conversations started by agents. I suggest adding a new condition: started by (agent, customer) to solve this. After more testing, I noticed that only chatwoot tries to send the message but it fails because of Meta's message window policy, that only allow custom message after the messaging window is opened.

To Reproduce

Create an automation with status (open, pending) and start a new conversation with whatsapp number.

Expected behavior

Automation messages should not be sent when conversation is started by agent.


Other [please specify in the description]

Cloud Provider

Other [please specify in the description]



Operating system


Browser and version


Docker (if applicable)

No response

Additional context

No response

linear[bot] commented 1 month ago

PR-1031 Automation: chatwoot sending automation for conversations started by agents