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Automation not resolving conversations #9333

Open emanuellopess opened 2 weeks ago

emanuellopess commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

The action "resolve conversation" is not working in the new version 3.8.0 but it was working correctly in the previous version 3.7.0

To Reproduce

  1. Create a custom attribute "blocked" as a checkbox (true/false)
  2. Mark a contact as blocked = true
  3. Create a automation on contact with attribute blocked = true resolve conversation
  4. Make contact in the Whatsapp Cloud Provider
  5. The conversation is not resolved but other actions are triggered

Expected behavior

The automation to trigger the resolve action correctly with custom attributes


Linux VM

Cloud Provider




Operating system

Ubuntu 22.04

Browser and version

Chrome and firefox latest version

Docker (if applicable)

No response

Additional context

The only automation that is not working is all that has the function "resolve conversation" in it, mostly work as intended. I tested the actions, add labels, assign to agents are working correctly, the custom attribute for the contact is recognized but the action is not triggered.

linear[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

PR-1071 Automation not resolving conversations