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Changes to MN table #7

Open thesunshade opened 2 years ago

thesunshade commented 2 years ago

Shall we put discussions of specific changes to the list of MN Characters here? Just to keep things organized?

thesunshade commented 2 years ago

I'd say that the Kassapa in mn124 should be referred to as Acela Kassapa, just for clarity.

In general, I'm not a fan of Bhante S's practice of translating names. For example Gaṇaka-Moggallāna, Gopāka-Moggallāna, Nigaṇṭha Nātaputta, etc. And especially Ven. Kumāra-Kassapa. Unless you are familiar with his translations, the names won't be recognizable to you. So I'd be inclined to not translate them to keep it more accessible. Just my opinion.

thesunshade commented 2 years ago

Interesting thing in MN 68. This is the text by Bhante Sujato:

The venerables Anuruddha, Bhaddiya, Kimbila, Bhagu, Koṇḍañña, Revata, Ānanda, and other very well-known gentlemen.

This is from Bhante Bodhi: image

It looks like it is a known variant:

Variant: kimilo → kimbilo (bj, sya1ed, sya2ed, km, pts1ed); kimmilo (cck) | bhaddiyo → nandiyo (pts1ed) | koṇḍañño → kuṇḍadhāno (bj, pts1ed)

chaz23 commented 2 years ago

So I'd be inclined to not translate them to keep it more accessible.

So you're saying we should use Ganaka Moggallana for example instead of Moggallana the Accountant? My thoughts on this are that we include the original untranslated version in the aliases field. That way:


chaz23 commented 2 years ago

By the way I'm also thinking of moving the MN characters dataset to sutta-science once it's finalised and done. The reason I made that repository before working on this is that I'd like that to be the central data-store, and a resource that anyone can use.